Gain better control over your costs. Maximize your resources. Grow your revenues.


Managing wireless network design projects can be like trying to row a boat with everyone moving their oars in different directions. Stakeholders think one thing, the project tasks and goals indicate another. Nothing is aligned, teams and information are not synchronized, and neither are the tools they’re using.

Your teams may not be working with the latest design files and information can be incomplete. Trying to share files both internally and externally is sometimes impossible to do. iBwave Unity Enterprise gets all of your project stakeholders moving in the same direction by putting them all on one platform to work from. Project information is automatically synchronized and always located in one location only – so you never waste time searching for the latest information.

Automated workflows keep projects on schedule and reporting gives you the right insight to make real-time decisions that keep your strategies optimized, eliminating any risks to your profitability.

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iBwave Unity Enterprise

Synchronize all of your project information

When you have many people or teams working on a project it’s hard to keep all of the information synchronized. People end up using the wrong or outdated versions of the design and as a result costly and time-consuming mistakes are made, putting the project’s schedule and budget at serious risk. With iBwave Unity Enterprise, all of your wireless network project information is automatically synched in one location so you are always working with the latest info.
  • iBwave Drive (built-in file synchronization utility for all files between Unity and Design)
  • Version control of Design file
  • Optional API to integrate with other business critical systems
  • Field customization to integrate all your own site data
  • Import/export for fast batch update using a generic tool like Excel
iBwave Unity
iBwave Unity

Automate your project workflow and tracking to stay agile

When project managers spend too much time manually doing tasks, it’s hard to stay strategically agile and risks to the project’s schedule, budget and quality increase. And with iBwave Unity Enterprise, key project management tasks are automated so the project manager’s time is optimized and they can focus on managing the project’s success criteria, removing road blocks and mitigating risks.
  • Best-practice or customized workflow templates
  • Task check lists
  • Gantt chart, project assignment report, project results and detailed status report
  • Resource assignment, cost and schedule tracking and reports
  • Automatic email notifications to team members
  • Summary and detailed project cost reports

Simpler collaboration with external stakeholders

With iBwave Unity Enterprise, working with your external stakeholders becomes much simpler to do with secure file sharing and the free iBwave Viewer. The result? You can be more efficient and nobody is wasting their time searching for the latest files or missing information.
  • iBwave Drive (Desktop folder to share and access project files, role-based security)
  • Automatic synchronization of files and info between Unity and iBwave Design
  • Secure remote file sharing with external stakeholders
  • iBwave Viewer, a free read-only version of iBwave Design to view files
iBwave Unity
iBwave Unity

Customized project reports to easily communicate status

With iBwave Unity Enteprise, you don’t have to worry about chasing information or spending too much time manually putting status reports together. Project reports are pre-built, customizable, and easy to generate and send whenever you need to.
  • Project cost details, equipment list, cable routing reports
  • Active projects and tasks report
  • Region and contractor performance report
  • Project assignment report, project detailed status report
  • Project compliancy report
  • Report scheduling and automatic sharing
  • Chart and grid reports

Disaster recovery so day-to-day operations can continue

With iBwave Unity Enterprise, all of your past and current wireless network project files are centralized and accessible from anywhere you are. Should disaster strike, your company will have minimal disruption to business, and risks will be drastically reduced.
  • Central repository to store all of your site and project information
  • Access to information from anywhere, anytime (cloud-based option)
iBwave Unity
iBwave Unity Enterprise - Projects List Mode
iBwave Unity Enterprise - iBwave drive synchronization with iBwave Design
iBwave Unity Enterprise - Quick project setup buil-in workflow template
view services

Support services

We offer a full list of services such as building and environment modeling, creation and certification of components, and legacy project design conversion to the iBwave format.

Annual maintenance services

iBwave’s entire product suite is covered by an optional Annual Maintenance Service for full customer support, and access to updates and upgrades on all our products.