Reduce risk. Reuse what’s proven. Realize more revenue.


When you have many different tools and many different teams of people all working on a network design project, managing a successful outcome can be challenging. With iBwave Unity, all of your site and project information is in one location, all of your iBwave tools are seamlessly integrated and starting, executing and managing network design projects is much more automated with templates and automatic workflows. iBwave Unity also makes it easy to quickly gain insight into your projects’ status to measure business impact in real-time and optimize strategies as you go.

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iBwave Unity Enterprise

Enhance project collaboration

Keep your teams connected to the latest design files, data, and to each other, through the entire lifecycle of your projects. Eliminate the time you waste searching for key project information and work with confidence knowing you always have the latest information you need to deliver your projects on time, on schedule and on budget.

iBwave Mobile and Design Integration

Keep all of the information about a project synchronized across all of your iBwave products. Set up your site and project in iBwave Unity, and watch as all of information about the project collected or updated in iBwave Mobile or iBwave Design is automatically synchronized and displayed in a single, centralized, location.

iBwave Drive

Everything you save to iBwave Drive is automatically synced to the project in iBwave Unity and iBwave Design. Save or update project files on your desktop so you or your team members can easily access them from anywhere, anytime.

iBwave Unity
iBwave Unity

Drive productivity

Automate and simplify the planning , execution, and management of your wireless network design projects to deliver projects faster than ever before. Watch as your project pipeline and revenues grow as a result.

Project Templates

Get your projects up and running faster with our out-of-box best practice project template for in-building wireless network projects or create your own set of templates.

Workflow Automation

Setup task reminders for your team and project manager to automate the workflow of your project. Setup checklists to ensure proper steps are followed through the lifecycle of your project.

Project Categorization and Search

Enter any keyword into the search toolbar to quickly locate projects. Save search criteria so you can easily run the same search again in the future. Categorize and organize your sites in folders by project type or team, or however makes sense to you.


Keep your project information synchronized across all of your iBwave products so you no longer have to spend the time searching for the latest information.

Make better business decisions

Easily access and analyze key project information to see what is working well and what isn’t working well within your wireless network design projects. Prioritize projects based on the most up-to-date project information and then optimize your strategies in real-time to maximize your profitability.

Budget & Resources Management

For each task in your project plan, assign cost estimates and assign the right resource to own the task. Track resources and costs in key project reports.

Project Reporting

Access key information about your projects to assess what is working and what isn’t and make necessary adjustments as you go. Distribute summary and detailed level reports to the appropriate stakeholders, internal and external.

iBwave Unity
iBwave Unity

Easily scale project teams

Speed up the onboarding and training of new team members so they can quickly jump into your wireless network design projects and be productive, faster.

Centralized Project Information

With iBwave Unity, all project information is in one centralized location so it’s much simpler to onboard new project team members and get them up to speed on the project. The project plan, processes, and information are all easily accessible for them to use as they need to through the lifecycle of the project.

Project and Roles Administration

Quickly add new team members to a project and assign them a role to determine their level of access for each project.

Plan for disaster recovery

With iBwave Unity Enterprise, all of your past and current wireless network project files are centralized and accessible from anywhere you are. Should disaster strike, your company will have minimal disruption to business, and risks will be drastically reduced.

Centralized project information

With all of your network designs, floor plans and part information for repairs located in a single location and accessible from anywhere, the time it will take to resume operations in the case of unexpected events will be significantly less. Eliminate the hassle of searching for information that is scattered, save the high cost of rebuilding your site and project information from scratch. Support your customer’s business continuity, your own business’ continuity and radically reduce business risk for all.

iBwave Unity


Read how one of the largest package delivery and logistics company in the world uses iBwave to design, deploy and maintain their thousands of Wi‑Fi networks worldwide.

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Support services

We offer a full list of services such as building and environment modeling, creation and certification of components, and legacy project design conversion to the iBwave format.

Annual maintenance services

iBwave’s entire product suite is covered by an optional Annual Maintenance Service for full customer support, and access to updates and upgrades on all our products.